Gas Generating Sets
CON-MEC was established in 1987 with an increasing production of small and medium size diesel- and gasoline engine driven generating sets, ranging from 1-2500 kVA with low voltages up to 500 volts A.Cc and high voltage up to 13.8 kV at 50 or 60 cycles. During the recent years a new development has arised because of the fact that Denmark during the 1970s got natural gas into the country through pipe lines from the North Sea. In order to utilize this source of energy to the optimum, CON-MEC developed their new gas engine driven heat/power plants, in which not only the shaft power of the gas engines was used to drive and alternator to produce electricity, but also the heat -normally wasted through cooling radiators and exhausts - was now utilized for district heating purposes for villages and cities throughout the country. Also many instituions, such as schools, hospitals, etc. as well as many industries in which much electricity and heat is consuemed, have their own combined heat and power plant. Many sewage plants in Denmark have their sewage gas engine combined heat and power plant (CHP) making good use of the energy content in the sewage gas, which was otherwise wasted. - This technology is also offered by CON-MEC for export. A contact to CON-MEC is a contact to future
developments within the energy field.